Prof. Dr. Eva Bittner
Dr. Eva Bittner has been Assistant Professor for Information Systems, in particular Socio-technical Systems Design at the Informatics Department at the University of Hamburg since October 2015. She conducts design-oriented research on IT-supported human collaboration and on human-machine collaboration in knowledge-intensive activities. Their research in the topic area of the call includes the human-centered design of novel AI-based systems, especially conversational agents and intelligent assistance systems for knowledge workers. Her main research interests are the user-driven development, instantiation and evaluation of requirements and design patterns for AI assistance systems and the design of collaboration processes and practices between humans and non-human AI agents in hybrid teams. Together with co-leader Sarah Oeste-Reiß and other colleagues, she has developed and published a taxonomy for design options of conversational agents in collaboration and a research agenda for machines as team members. Eva Bittner is the author of about 40 peer-reviewed scientific publications, including the Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) and the Business and Information Systems Engineering Journal (BISE). Her work has been presented at high-level conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). In the scientific community, she is involved as Minitrack Chair of the track "AI and Cognitive Assistants in Collaboration" of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, as well as Associate Editor and Reviewer for numerous conferences and journals. Eva Bittner is a fellow (2017-2019) in the Fast Track Program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung for excellent young female leaders in science. She heads the BMBF-funded joint research project "Civitas Digitalis" and is co-responsible for a sub-project of the project "INtelligent Cooperation with Language-Based Assistants - INSTANT" (03/2020-02/2023). Together with Mathias Fischer, Eva Bittner heads the base.camp creative laboratory of the Computer Science Department at the University of Hamburg on the topics Big Data, Artificial intelligence (AI) and Security.
Dr. rer. pol. Sarah Oeste-Reiß
Dr. Sarah Oeste-Reiß has been a PostDoc at the Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel and at the Scientific Center for Information Technology Design (ITeG) at the University of Kassel since June 2017. She conducts design-oriented research using tools of so-called Collaboration Engineering, an approach to develop and implement socio-technical collaborative work practices. It analyses, designs and evaluates collaborative working practices for the promotion of human learning in different application contexts (e.g. university mass teaching, knowledge management) and uses the tools of collaboration engineering to further develop AI-based learning methods of Collaborative Interactive Learning (CIL). Following on from this, she is researching design principles for AI-based IT systems against the background of a reallocation of work and an increasing fusion of human and machine intelligence in order to create new forms of socially desirable human-centered collaboration. Together with project coordinator Eva Bittner and other colleagues, she has developed and published a taxonomy for design options of conversational agents in collaboration and a research agenda for machines as team members. Sarah Oeste- Reiß is author of about 40 peer-reviewed scientific publications (e.g. Information and Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Informatik Spektrum). She has published and presented her work at high-ranking international conferences (e.g. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management). In the scientific community, she is involved as Minitrack Chair of the track "AI and Cognitive Assistants in Collaboration" of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences and as Associate Editor and Reviewer for numerous high-ranking international conferences and journals. Furthermore, she worked and did research in the teaching innovation project "Flipped Classroom Concept for IS Lectures", which was awarded the AIS Award for Innovation in Teaching in 2016, and in other BMBF-, uni- and industry-sponsored projects (e.g. Grundlagen CIL, BlendedContENT). Since 2016 she has been active as an elected representative of the academic middle class in the board of directors of the ITeG, the scientific centre for IT design consisting of 11 interdisciplinary disciplines. Her research is regularly inspired by her national (e.g. ITeG) and international research collaborations.