Research partners
Research partners
University of Hamburg
Department of Information Systems, Socio-technical Systems Design (WISTS)

The research area Information Systems, in particular socio-technical system design , headed by Prof. Dr. Eva Bittner, is concerned with the design of collaboration processes and practices for knowledge-intensive activities using the possibilities of modern ICT (e.g. group support systems for location-bound and distributed collaboration, conversational agents and non-human collaboration partners, integration of collaboration tools in work processes, mass collaboration on platforms). Besides references to the established research area Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), a further focus is on the consideration and design of novel forms of collaboration, e.g. in human-machine collaboration, in virtual teams or social networks. The increasing digitalisation of classical forms of (collaboration) work and the potential for the use of new IT tools (e.g. artificial intelligence and speech technology for voice-based agents, mobile technologies, graphic and haptic group support systems) are selected examples of current research topics with increasing relevance. The WISTS department conducts design-oriented research in these fields using the methodological canon of business informatics and related disciplines, from the analysis of real-world problems to the conception, evaluation and introduction of solutions in laboratory and field studies. In HyMeKI the group is particularly involved in the design pattern for task sharing, transfer and work orchestration between knowledge workers and learning systems.
University of Kassel
Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung (ITeG)

The HyMeKI junior research group under the co-leadership of Dr. Sarah Oeste-Reiss is associated with the Kassel location's Information Systems department. The Information Systems department headed by Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister conducts research in various topics such as strategic IT management, collaboration engineering, service engineering & management, and IT innovation management. The team conducts intensive research into the design, introduction and management of IT-supported organizational forms and innovations. The research is not just about explaining and analyzing reality, but especially about the design of innovations. The aim of the research is to develop theories, methods, models and tools for the design of innovative information and business systems. Driving forward IT-based innovations that are socially acceptable, technically stable and economically sensible is of central importance. The department promises high-quality and application-oriented research that delivers binding, target-oriented and innovative results. A distinctive feature of the Scientific Center for Information Technology Design (ITeG), in which the Information Systems department and the HyMeKI junior research group are embedded, is the interdisciplinary design of socially desirable information and communication technology from a socio-technical perspective. In Kassel, the junior research group develops and tests design patterns to promote AI-supported human learning (AI-in-the-loop) and human-supported machine learning (human-in-the-loop).